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http://mob693.photobucket.com/albums/vv294/diyah_na2001/PETIR.gif Funny Pics Glitter Pics Glitter Images About me : adif & diyah

In every life we have some trouble but when you worry you make it double

It's Funny h0w tiMes chaNge a yeAr ago I neVer kneW love.. the worlD seEmed c0ld and sTraNge.I coulDn't tell wHen push caMe to shove thEn onE night an anGel comE.Now sHe didn't have wiNgs or gold but she l0oked upon me wt no sHame took myhanD and did not let me thRough the hard dAys.and made me Laugh when doWn.I reaLized the erroRS of my ways and no lonGer neeDed a reASOn frown.


She neVer L0oked up0n my 0utside,only the heart that beat within my feelings I cAn no L0nger hide.I waNt to be with hEr till the enD.This perSon who I neVer met onLy sAw in a picTure or tWo and talKen to over the inteRnet but deep doWn we born knEw. We fell in L0VE fr0m the inside but probaBly from that firsh niGht and left us nO Reason to doubt that this L0VE is so Right

By adifyah

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This site is about our colection..thanks 4 visiting and Have a nice day..

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ym : diyah_na2001
